Collection: Naruto

Naruto is one of the most popular and influential anime series of all time. The story revolves around a young ninja named Naruto Uzumaki, who dreams of recognition and respect in his village, the village of the "Hidden Leaf village". However, he is a misfit in the community due to the fact that he has a demon inside him called the Nine-Tailed Fox who has attacked the village in the past and killed many people.

Naruto is determined to become the best ninja in town and chase his dream, while also trying to discover the truth about his past and keep his demonic powers in check. Together with his friends Sasuke and Sakura and his mentor Kakashi, Naruto takes part in dangerous missions and fights against enemies while learning what it means to be a true ninja and to protect others.

The series has many themes, including friendship, perseverance, sacrifice and the battle between good and evil.