Anime & Manga

Although CEEMANI is not a Manga/Anime maker, we believe it is important that you (our customers) get a deeper understanding of the products we sell. We want to inform you about the origin of the various Anime series and Manga books, the creators behind this art / entertainment form and how everything comes about. By informing you about the successful makers and their works, we want to contribute to the recognition of this art form.


Manga is a Japanese art form that takes the form of comic books and graphic novels. Mangas consist of a large number of genres, such as: action, adventure, romance, drama and comedy. Manga is not only popular with children and teenagers but also with adults. One of the characteristics of manga is the use of expressive and detailed drawings, such as big eyes, emotions and lively action scenes.

Mangas have been an important influence on Japanese pop culture and have also gained many fans and followers internationally. Besides Japan, mangas are now popular in other parts of Asia as well as in Europe and America.

In manga, the emphasis is on drawing the characters and their environment. It is an intensive process that includes sketching the characters, coloring the illustrations and adding text to support the dialogue and story. This is often done by only one mangaka (manga artist). But it can also be done by a team of artists, writers and editors.


Anime is an animation form that originated in Japan and is based on Japanese manga comics. Anime is characterized by vibrant colors, beautiful animations, expressive characters and complex stories. Anime also encompasses a wide range of genres and subjects.

In Anime, the emphasis is on animating the characters and creating the visual effects. This is a complex process that includes: drawing the keyframes, creating animation between frames, and adding music and sound effects. Often this is done by a team of: animators, sound designers, musicians and directors.


Mijn naam is Mara Marshall, de trotse eigenaar van CEEMANI. Ik ben al jaren een grote liefhebber van Anime en Manga. Met een achtergrond als maatschappelijk werker, ervaring in de horeca en als zzp'er in de kunst- en cultuursector, heb ik diverse vaardigheden en kennis opgedaan die ik nu toepas in mijn winkel.

Momenteel volg ik een opleiding Business Studies, waar ik veel heb geleerd over ondernemerschap. Gastvrijheid staat bij mij hoog in het vaandel en ik streef ernaar om iedere bezoeker van CEEMANI zich welkom en thuis te laten voelen. Mijn passie voor Anime en Manga deel ik graag met anderen en ik hoop dat CEEMANI een plek wordt waar fans elkaar kunnen ontmoeten en inspireren.